Help People Affected in Uman Bombing

With your help, Florida For Ukraine can reach this goal and help Ukrainian families who lost everything in one moment.
Please help if you can. Every donation makes a difference.

Essentials for survival

They deserve a decent and peaceful retirement… not filled with poverty and loneliness because of war. Help us to provide them with food boxes filled with essentials to make their days better and calmer in such uncertainty

Donate to Florida for Ukraine

Donate to support our cause. Your donations will be directed to support Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. Press the button below to be redirected to PayPal.

DJI Quadcopters for Ukrainian defenders

WAR IS NOT OVER! After almost 1 year, Ukraine is still fighting for freedom, Ukrainian soldiers are giving their lives away, so our family can have a future! Ukraine is a FREE and INDEPENDENT country!

The war in Ukraine has drifted out of the spotlight now its almost 1 year since Russia invaded Ukraine. Early in the war the world was ready to help, but the support has changed from a wave to a trickle .

Wetsuits for water special forces

New Fundraiser for wetsuits for Ukrainian Fighters!
Special forces underwater operations? – yes, there is such a thing. And these guys really need help with wetsuits, because they defend our homeland from the water.

Overalls for the tank brigade on the front line

Friends, we don’t stop for a moment! This time we are collecting funds for overalls for the tank brigade, the leader of which did not lose a single soldier. Our tankers are on the front lines!

Amazon Smile shopping list

We ask you and your friends to help as much as possible. To make the collection easy, we made an Amazon Shop List with the most necessary items. You can order everything at once to the warehouse in Hallandale or bring it yourself at the address: 227 NW 2nd Ave , Hallandale FL

DJI Quadcopters for Ukrainian defenders

The first 2023 campaign by Florida For Ukraine 501c3 Non-Profit Organization aims to collect enough funds to purchase 3 DJI Quadcopters for Ukrainian Defenders. Once the required amount of money is obtained, the drones will be purchased and shipped to Ukraine.

Diesel air heaters - Keep Ukrainian heroes warm

We’re raising money to buy Diesel Air Heater for Ukrainian Heroes. As winter is coming and the temperature is constantly dropping, our heroes need these heathers to stay warm.

Thermal underwear for Ukrainian heroes

Florida For Ukraine 501c3 Nonprofit Organization raising $1500 for critically-necessary thermal underwear for Ukrainian Heroes that will be bought and shipped from the United States to Ukraine before the start of winter. 

Letters to Santa - From Ukrainian kids

Florida For Ukraine 501c(3) – Non Profit Organization – Letters to Santa project for Ukrainian Kids affected by War, our organization received 106 letters – 106 Christmas Wishes from Ukrainian kids who, no matter what, belives in miracles and waiting for Santa this Year.

Funeral expenses for Anna Dudnik

On October 7th Ukrainian refugee Anna Dudnik was killed in a horrific train accident. Anna and her family, originally from Luhansk, fled the horrors of the war in Ukraine less than 2 months ago. She left behind her husband and 3 kids 13 years old, 12 years old, and 10 years old.